18 AUGUST 2019
The Club at Cordillera
Edwards, Colorado
Please join us for the 5th Annual Summit Melanoma Golf Tournament charity fundraiser on August 18th, 2019 hosted by the Club at Cordillera in Edwards Colorado. 100% of the proceeds from this event will go towards the Colorado Melanoma Foundation’s project, The Sun Bus, a mobile skin exam and educational classroom that travels throughout Colorado to provide free skin cancer screenings and education about melanoma prevention and sun safety awareness. Please visit www.thesunbus.org to learn more.
Sunday August 18, 2019
The Summit Melanoma Charity Golf Tournament
The Club at Cordillera, Valley Course
101 Legends Dr, Edwards, CO 81632
10:00 AM : Free Skin Checks
11:00 AM : Registration & Lunch
1:00 PM: Shotgun Start
6:00 PM : Reception Dinner & Awards Ceremony

Play as a foursome or an individual and get access to free skin screens, golf carts, unlimited range balls, games & contests, awards and prizes, breakfast, lunch & dinner, John Daly bar, additional adult beverages, 19th hole lounge activities and exclusive memorabilia, trips, and gifts from our silent auction.
All tickets come with lunch, unlimited drinks, and access to reception dinner and award ceremony.
Spectator.......................................................... $125
Single Player..................................................... $300
Foursome.......................................................... $1,200
2017 Summit Melanoma Golf Tournament


Colorado’s high altitude, love for the outdoors, and +300 days of sunshine every year means its residents are exposed to higher amounts of harmful UV radiation from the sun known to cause skin cancer. As a result, Coloradans experience some of the incidence and death rates in the nation, with our very own Pitkin and Eagle counties topping the list. The good news, though, is that melanoma--the deadliest form of skin cancer--is 100% preventable with proper sun protection and frequent skin checks. The Colorado Melanoma Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit, was created to lower the unnecessary skin cancer incidence and death rates through sun safety education, providing free skin checks, increased research, and new patient supportive services.
With the collaborative efforts of The Club at Cordillera and Vail, Aspen, Breckenridge Dermatology, The Sun Bus project was created 3 years ago to address this mission on a mobile platform in order to reach all residents of Colorado.In the past 3 years of holding the Summit Melanoma Golf Tournament, we have raised almost half of the $300,000 goal required to make the Sun Bus a reality, but we still need your help! If you'd like to participate as an official Sun Bus partner, provide a service donation, or want to learn more about this project, please visit www.thesunbus.org to learn more or download the brochure in the link below.

We are always looking for sponsors who wish to contribute to the Sun Bus project and are also looking to have a relaxing day at this beautiful course, reward their employees, or rub elbows with other local and national industry partners looking to make a difference here in Colorado.
Check out the tax-deductible sponsorship opportunities below for this year's Summit Melanoma Golf Tournament
Title Sponsorship $20,000
16 players (4 foursomes)
Lunch and awards reception dinner for all players
Gift bags for all players
Exclusive “Title Sponsorship” rights with appropriate signage/logos at one of the following:
Registration tent
Awards Reception area
Driving Range
Putting Green
Placement of 5 banners in highly visible areas
Inclusion of two 1/2-page ads in event program brochure
Special recognition during the awards reception (or ability to speak) & all promotional materials
Right to place products/Marketing materials in attendee gift bags
Platinum Sponsorship $10,000
12 players (3 foursomes)
Lunch and awards reception dinner for all players
Gift bags for all players
Exclusive “Presenting Sponsorship” rights with appropriate signage/logos at one of the following:
Registration tent
Awards Reception area
Driving Range
Putting Green
Exclusive Sponsor of 4 holes with appropriate signage/logos
Inclusion of one 1/2-page ad in event program brochure
Sponsorship recognition on all promotional materials
Right to place products/Marketing materials in attendee gift bags
Gold Sponsorship $5,000
8 players (2 foursomes)
Lunch and awards reception dinner for all players
Gift bags for all players
Choice of appropriate signage/logos at one of the following:
Registration tent
Awards Reception area
Driving Range
Putting Green
Exclusive sponsorship rights on 2 holes with appropriate signage/logos
Sponsorship recognition on all promotional materials
Right to place products/Marketing materials in attendee gift bags
Silver Sponsorship $2,500
4 players (1 foursome)
Lunch and awards reception dinner for all players
Gift bags for all players
Exclusive sponsorship rights on 2 holes with appropriate signage/logos
Sponsorship recognition on all promotional materials
Right to place products/Marketing materials in attendee gift bags
Bronze Sponsorship $1,500
4 players (1 foursome)
Lunch and awards reception dinner for all players
Gift bags for all players
Sponsorship recognition on all promotional materials
Right to place products/Marketing materials in attendee gift bags
For sponsorship information please contact us by email: admin@comelanoma.org
Title Sponsor
